Immunity is a physiological function of the human body. The human body relies on this function to recognize the "self" and "non-self" components, thereby destroying and repelling the antigenic substances entering the human body, or the damaged cells and tumor cells produced by the human body itself to maintain The health of the human body. The immune system has the function of recognizing, killing, and promptly eliminating mutant cells in the body and preventing tumorigenesis. Immunoglobulin refers to a globulin with the immunological function of antibody activity or chemical structure similar to that of antibody. According to the nature of the heavy chain, Ig is mainly divided into the five major categories of IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD, and IgE. These are auxiliary indicators for the immune function of the body and for the diagnosis of immune diseases. Hipro provides a more professional autoimmunity test to help you better understand your own immunity level.